I will attempt to keep this blog up from here on out, as it will be an outlet, probably the ONLY outlet I will have for quite some time.
When I left off, so many things were up in the air. R. and I ended up moving back in together, after I miscarried our baby that was in utero at the time of my last post. We moved back in together, had R.E.'s first birthday, my mom and brother got their own place, within walking distance luckily, as I had to walk over there a few time after a particularly nasty fight. There are a lot of details that I am not going to remember, sadly. I will try my best to catch you up to the present in as painless and time efficient manner as possible.
R. and I lived in our own little place for a 6 month lease. At the end of the lease he had gone to a party with my brother and met a little 19 year old girl. They started talking and texting like mad. I found this out and freaked out. He said it was nothing, I knew better. He always did think I was stupid. I call this little girl one day, she proceeds to tell me that R. has never mentioned a girlfriend OR child for that matter and if he was TRULY mine, he wouldn't have come looking for her. Cunt. I tell her that even if he DOES do anything with her, that as soon as he gets what he wants from her, he will drop her like a bad habit. She begs to differ. I tell her that she will see, and in time I am right. After a particularly LARGE freak out on R. one day over this girl, who HE says he was just trying to get "concert tickets" off of, like I said...he thinks I'm stupid, I call her in front of him, and call him out. After this is all done, he says that she is a liar and is just trying to fuck our relationship up. To which I reply, "why the fuck would someone who doesn't even KNOW me, try and fuck up what I have?" to which he replies, "I don't know. I can't handle your shit anymore." I start to scream and yell at him, all the while he continues to shower like nothing is even wrong. Well, I guess the neighbors decided I sounded like I was going to "hurt" him or something, since they called the cops. I called my mom.
My mom shows up, I'm sitting on the floor, holding R.E. rocking back and forth shaking and crying. I ask for a cigarette, she asks for R.E., tells me that I need to control myself, it's bad for R.E. to see me like this. The cops show up. I'm on the balcony smoking, they take statements from both R. and I. Then with their most EXCELLENT police work, decided that I "detained" R. in the bathroom against his will. My mom is upset and says, "so even though he SHOVED HER, she will be the one going to jail?" to which the cops reply, "yes ma'am, she detained him in the bathroom, against his will". Great fucking police work there. He was SHOWERING you fucking half-wits. All of which would come out later at my court hearing, and the charges would be dropped. R.E. would have not had to have been shuttled back and forth by my MOTHER, I would have never had a RESTRAINING ORDER on me, and all of this could have been avoided, had the fucking cops, LISTENED when I SAID...."he was in the SHOWER". Assholes.
From there, I moved in with my mom, brother and of course R.E. in a town home, that ironically R. and I had rented for US, before all of this went down. Change the name on the lease, and now it's my mom, my brother and I. This is the beginning of May 2009.
My job is complete SHIT, and even though I am running an office, the fucking owner, uses me for his own verbal punching bag on almost a daily basis. Everyone in the office can hear him scream at me and curse at me, for shit that should be dealt with in a professional manner. I let him say what he wants, tear me down, calling me a poor mother, telling me that he has "no fucking sympathy for me" how if I'm "so disabled" from the pain I have, why am I not on disability? One day, in June, I have had my fill of being torn down, told what a piece of shit I am from a fraction of what USED to be a man, that I start talking back. He didn't like this, I didn't give a fuck. He told me that he'd give me "one more chance" to come in on Monday and get my "shit together", or I can just not show up and let someone else have my job, it was my choice. I chose to say fuck you and not show up. I had a new job that same week, at IBM.
This job was cake compared to the bullshit I was used to putting up with. I have started seeing a new Dr. for my pain. A "pain management" Dr. and left the Neurologist I was seeing, who called me a "liar" and whose nurse referred to me as their "wild child" patient, behind. Losers. They flat out told me, that because I knew about the drugs that they COULD give people to help, and because I had done my research to not go in there completely clueless to my situation, I was a "drug seeker". Flat out, they told me I was an addict, just looking for pills. So I did some MORE research and found myself a NEW Dr. One who believed me, one who GAVE me a CHANCE! Thank whatever powers that be for letting me find HER.
Things were going great, R. and I were talking again, trying to "work things out", my job was amazing, I had control over my pain and depression, and here comes my curve ball.
I'm pregnant.
Yep. Well, I didn't see this one coming, but hey, we weren't being especially careful, the pullout method seemed to be working out well, til he stopped pulling out. *shrug* I'm scared, but happy. R's not having any of it. He doesn't want it, says that I should "take care of it", sorry buddy, not happening. This time I'm gonna old on tight and hope that this one sticks. Even if you're not here, I will have our 2 beautiful kids, and every time I look at them, I will KNOW that they are NOT mistakes. I wish you would and could do the same. Maybe someday.
I have to come off of my antidepressants pretty fast, being that they could potentially harm the baby. As I'm coming off of my antis, I start having a whole other type of pain I've never experienced. I go to the Dr. tell her what's going on, she says I have Fibromyalgia. Sends me to a rheumatologist to make sure it's not something more serious like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or something like that. Nope. Fibromyalgia. What can they do for me while pregnant? Pain meds. Is this safe for the baby? There are no known side effects that the baby should experience. No birth defects, no deformations, the only thing that they are not sure of is how the baby's reactions will be to pain meds in the future. Will she be more tolerant of them, since having them the whole of her intrauterine development. Oh, and in case you caught that, yes, SHE. I am having a little girl this time. One of each. I feel so unbelievably special for getting to experience one of each.
I have been on Oxycontin and Oxycodone, for most of my pregnancy. I am now in the 32nd almost at the beginning of my 33rd week or gestation. I have begun the process of weaning off of the Oxycontin and have been feeling every mg that has been taken away. I have horrible insomnia now and wake up in the middle of the night, when I CAN sleep from pains all over my body and twitching that I start doing sometimes during my slumber. It's not easy and it's NOT fun. If I could have handled the pain that I experience everyday on my OWN, I would have NEVER embarked on this journey of Oxycontin or Oxycodone during my pregnancy. Some days I feel weak for needing the help I have from the pain meds. I feel like if I had just tried HARDER, maybe I could have done it. Then I snap back to reality and give myself a break. I WOULD HAVE done it COULD I HAVE. I have to remind myself of this everyday. As I come off of the medication that has dulled me in almost every way during this pregnancy, everyone in my life suffers. No one knows who i will be from one moment to the next. It's like Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde PREGNANT. If you care to imagine the MONSTER that this person is capable of being, if not let me paint you a pretty little picture. On top of being bipolar depressed, there are MULTITUDES of EXTRA hormones running through me, and just as you think that maybe, just maybe I have settled into one state of being, here comes the complete polar opposite. My poor family. My poor anyone. We will get through it tho, we will. And in the end, will be a beautiful brand new baby girl. and I will have my 2 beautiful children and even if R. isn't there to share it with us, we will have each other, and that is all that really matters to me, anymore. I'll post more as it feels like coming out.
The Race to Mars
7 years ago
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